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HomeAlumni Membership

Alumni membership

The Alumni program of Gamma Sigma Sigma offers many opportunities for continued service and membership beyond graduation or honorable separation from collegiate chapters. The lifetime commitment to the ideals of our sorority of service and friendship are still available through Gamma Sigma Sigma. Members may continue their sorority affiliation as alumni chapter/colony members or alumni-at-large.


  • New friendships
  • Networking opportunities
  • Community service
  • Leadership development
  • Personal growth
  • Honoring your lifetime commitment to Gamma Sigma Sigma


Alumni-at-large participate in service projects independently. They, too, can help collegiate chapters with service projects. Alumni-at-large are encouraged to submit the Alumni-at-Large Service Report so their hours can be counted as part of the sorority’s service profile. The AAL service report is available on the national website at

Alumni-at-large members may also serve as national committee members, public relations assistants, membership assistants, alumni assistants, and chapter consultants. They are eligible to serve on the National Board of Directors or Staff. Alumni-at-large should also consider attending Leadership Conferences, Spirit Days and National Convention whenever possible.